2021/08/25 17:50 eric@pc-e * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.1-flx2.4 * recognise the 4th flash partition as DBG partition * it can be used to mount /var/core in it for instance * (the previous release was incorrect and was the same as flx2.2. this release adds a patch) 2021/08/13 17:02 eric@pc-e * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.1-flx2.3 * recognise the 4th flash partition as DBG partition * it can be used to mount /var/core in it for instance 2020/09/16 14:47 eric@pc-e * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.1-flx2.2 * Change URL to point to formilux repo on github * update-boot-image: avoid messing flash-layout when /var is full 2017/02/15 19:03 willy@wtap.local * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.1-flx2.1 * updated to mainline to get rid of local patches 2016/07/06 20:44 willy@wtap.local * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.0-flx2.3 * added the following patches from -master to maintain a journal of updates: 0004-scripts-update-boot-image-don-t-try-to-unmount-if-mo.patch 0005-scripts-update-boot-image-update-the-flash-s-journal.patch 2016/01/18 20:15 willy@wtap.local * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.0-flx2.2 * added the following patches from -master to deal better with Qemu : 0001-scripts-mk-flash-layout-accept-8064-kB-as-the-lower-.patch 0002-scripts-mount-flash-should-fail-when-cmdline-is-empt.patch 0003-scripts-mk-flash-layout-should-accept-flash-and-img-.patch 2014/08/20 16:31 willy@wtap.local * released blkdev-grub-mbr-1.0-flx2.1 2006/07/01 15:42 willy@wtap * added lots of examples