PATCH_LIST= FILE_LIST= SRC_FETCH_METHOD=http SRC_FETCH_PATH="" function do_config { CC="$CC" CXX="$CXX" LD="$LD" \ RANLIB="$RANLIB" AR="$AR" AS="$AS" NM="$NM" OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" \ CFLAGS="$GCC_ARCH_SMALL $GCC_CPU_SMALL $GCC_OPT_SMALL" \ ./configure --disable-sctp --disable-fips --disable-sycls \ --disable-filan --disable-libwrap \ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-nls --disable-locale } function do_compile_only { # parallel make $FLXPMAKE } function do_prepack { $FLXMAKE install DESTDIR=$ROOTDIR set_default_perm $ROOTDIR } # Changelog # - 2004/08/01 : init is compressed with upx and passes through chpax # - 2003/03/11 : init-sysv is now statically linked with dietlibc, which makes # it less dependant on libraries and rest of the system function do_compile { cd src $FLXMAKE CC="$CC" CFLAGS="$GCC_ARCH_SMALL $GCC_CPU_SMALL $GCC_OPT_SMALL -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE "'-DUTMP_FILE=\"/var/run/utmp\" -DWTMP_FILE=\"/var/log/wtmp\"' SULOGINLIBS="-lcrypt" cd .. } function do_clean { cd src $FLXMAKE distclean cd .. ( do_delpack ) } function do_prepack { mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/usr/include $ROOTDIR/sbin $ROOTDIR/bin $ROOTDIR/usr/bin $ROOTDIR/usr/man/man8 $ROOTDIR/usr/man/man5 $ROOTDIR/usr/man/man1 || exit 1 #cd src ; $FLXMAKE install ROOT=$ROOTDIR MANDIR=/usr/man ; cd .. $FLXMAKE -C src install ROOT=$ROOTDIR MANDIR=/usr/man || exit 1 mv $ROOTDIR/sbin/init $ROOTDIR/sbin/init-sysv || exit 1 ln -sf init-sysv $ROOTDIR/sbin/telinit || exit 1 set_default_perm $ROOTDIR }